Saturday, May 21, 2011

You Need to Win the Battle for Share of Mind

Editor?s Note: This is a guest post by (@msuster) Mark Suster, a 2x entrepreneur, now VC at�GRP Partners. Read more about Suster at�Bothsidesofthetable Are we headed for a long era of innovation in which startups are the new norm? Are we seeing a time in which pre-revenue companies are more valuable than our offline institutional brands? Yes, there is unprecedented innovation. The era of cheap cloud computing plus open-source software plus digital natives unleashed upon society is creating some truly amazing products that will challenge the way we do business and the way we live our lives. No. It's not all sunshine and candy canes. In a way, startups have become kind of like the video game industry. New stuff gets created, it's fun to play with and talk about. You want to use it because your friends are doing it and you want to find out what it's all about. You want to see what's new. You play with it for a few weeks or months. Then you stop. You stop because it was game like; temporal. Non valuable. Not really helping you do something better. Not improving your life or business. If you want to build a meaningful startup, you need to win "share of mind." Not enough entrepreneurs think about the sustainability of share of mind these days. Here's why you should ...



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